Is it worth repairing your computer, or should you just replace it?
One of the most frequently asked questions after presenting a customer with a computer diagnosis and estimate at our computer repair shop is “Is it worth it? Or should I just buy a new one?” With the increase in computer sales over the past few years the retail price has dropped dramatically (yes even Apple computers have dropped in price), to the point you may frequently ask yourself whether or not you should bother repairing the machine when it has issues. You may even talk yourself into the need for more gizawidgets and megawhoseez the new machines come with. There are some questions you should ask yourself when pondering such an important question. Also Servicing Mitchell Ranch Plaza / Trinity, FL Areas
Do you repair Apple computers?
Yes. A-M-S-Computers staff has had years of hands on experience making us extremely knowledgeable in Apple products. We have access to special tools that provides us to be able to diagnose and repair Apple Computers, which other shops claiming to repair Apple computers do not have. Also Servicing Mitchell Ranch Plaza / Trinity,FL Areas.
How long will it take to get my computer diagnosed and repaired.
We guarantee to start diagnostics on your computer immediately. However, we can’t be sure of exactly how the diagnostics and repair will actually take. We realize how foolish that sounds, but the reality is that even the simplest of symptoms may have an underlying cause that is not easy to detect. Rather than just putting a band-aid on the situation and having you return at a later date with the same issue, we prefer to dig deep and discover the underlying circumstances and solve the actual problem, not just treat the symptoms. With thousands of hardware and software variables to look through, sometimes these things take time. Every machine is different and as such, every problem is unique. We work diligently, late into the night and weekends if needed, to solve the problem and get your machine back to you as quickly as possible. Also Servicing Mitchell Ranch Plaza / Trinity,FL Areas
Do you fix monitors and printers?
We can troubleshoot your printer by servicing software and driver problems or connection issues. We do not fix hardware related issues with printers or monitors. However, we can troubleshoot to access whether your monitor needs to be replaced.
How can I keep my data safe?
Always back up! If you don't have a DVD burner or an external drive, get one. Keep multiple backups in seperate locations if possible.
My laptop’s screen is shattered. Can you fix it? How long will it take? Is it worth repairing?
We can repair broken laptop screens within one or two business weeks on most occasions. It is generally worth repairing unless the system is more than four years old. It's important to note that we only use replacement parts that are sourced from manufacturer approved resellers for the best quality repair.
I accidentally dropped or otherwise damaged my computer. Now it’s having problems. Can it be repaired?
It may be possible be to repair, but we will have to diagnose it and assess the problem(s) involved. We'll also need as much information as we can get about the circumstances that caused the damage and what's happening with the computer now. Don't use your computer if it's damaged as that may make the damage worse.